Trouble contacting city councillors

Some students in the master of arts in journalism program faced a challenge when working on a class project for their new media course. The problem? Trying to get into contact with a few London city councillors.

The MAJ students are interviewing the councillors in order to gather information about each person, find out which ward each councillor represents and any other information the students are able to get. All the details will be put on a website for residents of London to have access to before the municipal election on Oct. 27.

Carl Hnatyshyn, an MAJ candidate, is one of the students trying to contact a city councillor.

Carl says he first emailed and telephoned Councillor Stephen Orser in mid-Feburary. However, Carl has yet to get a hold of him.

Watch the video below to see what Carl has to say about trying to reach Coun. Orser:


**UPDATE: Since posting this article, the MAJ class has come to learn that it is illegal for city councillors to respond to any kind of campaign questions via their city email address.**


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