Social Media Guide for Special Events

Social media engagements for major events with image of olympic rings

As an Associate Social Producer with CBC Sports during the 2016 Rio Olympics, Sophie Baron had a very important job to do. Sophie engaged with the CBC audience each day through various social media platforms, providing highlights, and breaking news of awarded medals and some of the many scandals that were brought to the forefront of the games.

It was through her experience covering the summer Olympics that Sophie identified a need to teach communicators the functions of various social media platforms in order to better engage their audiences. For her capstone project, Sophie developed an interactive guide, complete with pro-tips from her colleagues at CBC Sports, to explain the best ways to use social media platforms for special events.

See her Social Media Engagement presentation here!

Capstone Projects are produced by MMJC students at the very end of the program, as a chance to demonstrate their new skills and explore ideas and themes that interest them. You can learn more about the MMJC program at the FIMS website: