Month: April 2015

  • Playing with Depression

    Playing with Depression

    The Canadian Mental Health Association says that 8% of adults will face major depression in their lifetime. Still, stigmas persist and often people suffer in silence. Despite this, one London man has found that by tapping into a lifelong passion, he is able to cope with his illness. Eric Green brings us his story.

  • From the Factory to the Studio

    From the Factory to the Studio

    The life of an up-and-coming artist has never been an easy road. With the lack of a stable income and support from family members, it can be hard to stay truly committed. For Bobby Pena, this journey is no different. Andrew Costy has more.

  • The Science of Vaccinations

    The Science of Vaccinations

    In February, the Toronto Star published an article that profiled several young women who claimed to have been harmed by the HPV vaccine. The article was widely discredited and criticized for not emphasizing the scientific evidence that the HPV vaccine has virtually no risk. Reporter Allan McKee discusses how the article is part of a…

  • Who Wants to Be a Reality TV Star?

    Who Wants to Be a Reality TV Star?

    Millions of people watch reality television each week. One of the main appeals of reality TV is getting a glimpse into the lives of people who are very different from ourselves. But why do people choose to be on shows that often show them at their worst? Azzura Lalani tries to find out.