Tag: Divorce

  • Facebook: a substitute for personal service

    Facebook: a substitute for personal service

    Using Facebook to tell your elusive spouse you’ve started divorce proceedings is not about to become the standard method of serving documents, but it’s slowly becoming part of the legal repertoire. “This is the latest evidence that social media is maturing beyond its adolescent, selfies-and-breakfast-pics days,” said Carmi Levy, journalist and technology analyst expert living…

  • The Epidemic Of Self-Representing Litigants

    The Epidemic Of Self-Representing Litigants

    Imagine this scenario. You and your partner have decided to get a divorce. You both have stable jobs, stable incomes and some savings. Your first thought would be to call a lawyer, right? Well, for over half the people in North America going through the family law system, it turns out the answer is “No.”…