Category: Projects

  • Electoral ward project {week 1}

    Electoral ward project {week 1}

    Welcome to the first post about our class’ coverage of the 2014 municipal election in London. My name is Janice Dickson and my partner is Alley Wilson. We are documenting the progress of our classmates and the way they cover local candidates. So what can you expect? Posts about interviews, photos, videos and what makes…

  • A Day in the Life of Western

    A Day in the Life of Western

    Is there such a thing as a typical day at Western? Earlier this month, Western print journalism students spent a day on campus interviewing students, staff and faculty to bring you a behind-the scenes look at what goes on over a 24-hour period here at Western. Click on the Day in the Life button to…

  • Thursday night fights, Japanese style

    Thursday night fights, Japanese style

    For many Western students, Thursday night is a time to watch TV or start looking ahead to weekend plans. But for members of the Western Kendo Club, Thursday night is for sparring practice. At 7 p.m. the recreational centre’s Orange Gym is home to the centuries old Japanese martial art. As the fighters approach the…

  • A jazzy kind of night

    A jazzy kind of night

    If a pin dropped right now, you’d hear it. Despite seating almost three dozen students with instruments in hand, Room 104 in Western University’s Don Wright Faculty of Music building is unusually quiet. But tonight, the silence hangs heavy with anticipation, and soon the room will erupt into a flutter of melody. The Worst Pop…