Category: Projects

  • A day in the life of an online newsroom: Jess Brady

    When Jess Brady stepped into her first real newsroom, she was overwhelmed. She’d completed an undergraduate degree in english and political science and a master’s in journalism, both from Western University, and landed her first job as a reporter at a Corus station in Cornwall, Ont. “You can do whatever program you sign-up for, but…

  • NHL playoffs a busy time: for some more than others

    NHL playoffs a busy time: for some more than others

    Thomas Drance is thankful for Twitter – perhaps more than your typical social media junkie. Without it, he might not have a career. Immediately following graduation from the University of Toronto in 2009, the only work he could find was as a bus tour guide. When that seasonal work ended, he eventually landed in a…

  • Moving the state of journalism one story at a time

    Moving the state of journalism one story at a time

    Desmond Cole, host of a self-titled show on News Talk 1010, was caught during a phone interview in the middle of some very important work.   “I feel I would say perpetually disorganized,” he said. “I’m sitting at my computer imagining how much more organized I can be: it’s been a very productive afternoon.”  …

  • Kaleigh Rogers: A day in the life of New York’s finest online journalist

    She could have been a scientist. But she made a different decision. And that choice has led a woman who grew up in a town of just over 400 people to the largest city in North America. Meet Kaleigh Rogers of Hepworth, Ont., digital journalist for Vice’s Motherboard in New York City. Let your guard…